High Durable
SIMATIC WinCC - Basic Software

The WinCC basic software is the core of an integrated system comprising WinCC, WinCC options and WinCC Add-ons, all designed to build up a solution tailored to your specific requirements.

The basic software itself represents a powerful, universally applicable process visualization system that offers all features of a sophisticated HMI Software. The Engineering Component WinCC CS offers a set of editors that leave nothing to be desired when talking about efficiency or user friendliness. Libraries and wizards make the generation of a project fast and easy and reduce error-proneness considerably.

As a software for most complex HMI tasks WinCC is able to handle comprehensive projects and mass data. All HMI functions onboard, this characterizes the Run time component of the WinCC basic software: Starting with a user administration that meets all requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), ranging to a user interface with lots of configurable controls and functions up to a performant message and archiving system based on the integrated MS SQL Server. Reporting and logging system as well as integrated control technology functions complete the list. 

The basic system is scalable in all respects by employing WinCC options. The basic software can already be adapted to increasing quantity structures by finely graded licenses.

Yet a chosen license can easily be upgraded in regard to the number of process tags. By employing WinCC/Server you can run WinCC as a Client/Server application.

WinCC/Redundancy is used to build up a high available SCADA system. WinCC/CAS offers the possibility for setting up a salable, central process data archiving.

The WinCC/Web Navigator allows you to visualize and operate your plant via the Internet with nearly the same functionality as a WinCC client but unbeatable flexibility. SIMPATICO WinCC consistently builds on the highest possible openness and ability to integrate as it is designed for using standard technologies and software tools: This comprises basic technologies, operating systems, the ways of communication or the ability to integrate scripts, all on a non-proprietary basis. 

The basic system is designed technology- and sector-independent. Nevertheless it fulfills special requirements  of particular industries, e.g. the FDA regulations for the pharmaceutical industry.. SCADA  (Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition) establishes a basis for Plant Intelligence solutions. WinCC is able to acquire and archive process data, which can be aggregated, analyzed and sent to MES-systems for further processing using the WinCC Plant Intelligence options.

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